Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Week on Our New Journey:)

Since my life took a fantastic (planned) turn one week ago, I thought today would be a great day to begin a blog highlighting Jon and I's good times, not so good times, along with ideas and plans for the future. I am excited (and scared) to see what is in store for us,  but I will always remembered, even when annoyed, why I married my best friend. This blog will not be all about married life but more a way for me to ask advice to the people I trust most. I can't wait to hear from you.This past week has been filled with much needed relaxation, organization and making small plans for the future.

I never thought about how I would feel after the wedding was over. The day after was filled with tons of emotion. I had just had one of, if not the best day of my life. I was surrounded by family and close friends. Jon and I couldn't believe how many people where there to celebrate with us. I had a strange feeling the day after - one of sadness, yet relief. As the week went on, the sadness went away and life set in. I was glad to have a couple days off before heading back to work, even though my productivity level was negative two. I guess that is what vacation days are for. I am back at work and more ready than ever to get down to business (pardon the pun).

Jon is in his final semester of school and will be ready to start appraising homes after graduation. I am training for my first 5K. Please send me good vibes. I am going to need all the motivation and luck I can find. My hope is that I find an exercise I learn to love. We will see.

Until Next Time...

J. Wienhold